• Posted on: 22 December 2021
  • By: admin

As we all gather together with friends and family to celebrate the joyous times of Christmas and the New Year we here at Red Rhino Fireworks want to remind everyone that, when fireworks are part of your celebration, you need to make fireworks safety your top priority.  Here are some key things to remember:

1) Always have a designated, sober, adult present and supervising.  Never mix alcohol or other substances with fireworks.

2) Always read all warning labels and follow all instructions on the fireworks.

3) Always block and brace your fireworks before lighting them to prevent any possibility of the device tipping over.

4) Never put any part of your body over a fireworks tube.

5) Never re-light “dud” fireworks.

6) Never hold fireworks in your hand unless they are hand held sparklers.

7) Never point or throw fireworks at anyone or anything – only have them directed skyward.

8) Always keep a hose and a bucket of water nearby.

9) Always watch the safety videos on our website from the National Fireworks Association.

10) Always keep safety first.

Be joyous and celebrate safely and responsibly.


NFA / CPSC Safety Videos by President Stephen Houser

As you know, safety is critical for both the customers who use fireworks and the security and longevity of our industry by minimizing injuries and accidents.

For this reason, we are incredibly excited to release the following safety videos we produced in conjunction with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). A huge thanks to our NFA President Stephen Houser and Peter Feldman of the CPSC for the production of this video.

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